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document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { console.log('DOM fully loaded and parsed'); // Function to check if we are on the specific product page function isSpecificProductPage() { const productId = '362148245'; // Specific product ID const isSpecific = window.location.href.includes(`p${productId}`); console.log('isSpecificProductPage:', isSpecific); return isSpecific; } // Function to toggle the visibility of the text box function toggleWunschtextTextbox() { const wunschtextRadio = document.querySelector('input[value="Wunschtext"]'); const wunschtextTextbox = document.querySelector('input[aria-label="Wunschtext Rückseite (max. 20 Zeichen)"]'); console.log('toggleWunschtextTextbox:', { wunschtextRadio, wunschtextTextbox }); if (wunschtextRadio && wunschtextTextbox) { if (wunschtextRadio.checked) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } } } // Function to initialize the script function init() { if (isSpecificProductPage()) { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, obs) => { const radioContainer = document.querySelector('.product-details-module.details-product-option--radio.details-product-option--R00fcckseit'); console.log('MutationObserver:', { radioContainer }); if (radioContainer) { const keineRadio = document.querySelector('input[value="Keine"]'); const gleichWieVorderseiteRadio = document.querySelector('input[value="Gleich wie Vorderseite"]'); const wunschtextRadio = document.querySelector('input[value="Wunschtext"]'); const wunschtextTextbox = document.querySelector('input[aria-label="Wunschtext Rückseite (max. 20 Zeichen)"]'); console.log('Found radio buttons and text box:', { keineRadio, gleichWieVorderseiteRadio, wunschtextRadio, wunschtextTextbox }); if (keineRadio && gleichWieVorderseiteRadio && wunschtextRadio && wunschtextTextbox) { // Attach event listeners to radio buttons keineRadio.addEventListener('change', toggleWunschtextTextbox); gleichWieVorderseiteRadio.addEventListener('change', toggleWunschtextTextbox); wunschtextRadio.addEventListener('change', toggleWunschtextTextbox); // Initial call to set the correct state on page load toggleWunschtextTextbox(); obs.disconnect(); // Stop observing once we have the elements } } }); // Start observing the body for changes observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } } // Run the init function after a delay to ensure the page is fully loaded setTimeout(init, 3000); });